Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль, тогтоолын төслүүдийг эцэслэн батлав
Улсын Их Хурлын 2024 оны намрын ээлжит чуулганы өнөөдрийн /2024.01.23/ үдээс өмнөх нэгдсэн хуралдаан 10 цаг 00 минутад гишүүдийн 52.4 хувийн ирцтэйгээр эхэллээ.
Хуралдааны эхэнд Улсын Их Хурлын дарга Д.Амарбаясгалан, Монгол Улсын анхны Ерөнхийлөгч, Бүгд Найрамдах Монгол Ард Улсын Ардын Их Хурлын Тэргүүлэгчдийн дарга, төр, нийгмийн нэрт зүтгэлтэн, Монгол Улсын шинэ Үндсэн хуулийг боловсруулах ажлыг зохион байгуулах комиссын тэргүүн, Монгол Улсын гадаад харилцааг өргөжүүлэн олон улс дахь байр суурийг бэхжүүлсэн монголын ард түмний эрхэм хүмүүн Пунсалмаагийн Очирбат нь 2025 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 17-ны өдөр 83 насандаа өвчний улмаас таалал төгсөж, Монгол Улс, монголын ард түмэнд хүнд гарз тохиосныг онцлон тэмдэглэв. Иймд Монгол Улсын анхны Ерөнхийлөгч, төр, нийгмийн нэрт зүтгэлтэн, Пунсалмаагийн Очирбатын гэгээн дурсгалыг хүндэтгэж Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүд суудлаасаа босож зогсон, нэг минут эмгэнэл илэрхийлэв.
Дараа нь Шинэ Зуунмод хотын эрх зүйн байдлын тухай хуульд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль тогтоолын төслийг яаралтай хэлэлцэх эсэх асуудлыг хэлэлцсэн.
Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 33 дугаар зүйлийн 33.1-т "Засгийн газрын хуралдааны шийдвэрийг үндэслэн Ерөнхий сайд үндэсний эдийн засгийн аюулгүй байдлыг хангахтай холбогдуулан хуулийн төслийг яаралтай хэлэлцүүлэхээр Улсын Их Хуралд бичгээр хүсэлт тавьсан бол Улсын Их Хурлын дарга төслийг чуулганаар яаралтай хэлэлцэх эсэхийг нэгдсэн хуралдаанд оруулж, хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонхын саналаар шийдвэрлүүлнэ" гэж заасны дагуу Засгийн газраас 2025 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 22-ны өдөр дээрх хууль тогтоолын төслүүдийг өргөн мэдүүлсэн байна. Иймд Шинэ Зуунмод хотын эрх зүйн байдлын тухай хуульд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль тогтоолын төслүүдийг Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы нэгдсэн хуралдаанаар яаралтай хэлэлцэхийг дэмжье гэдэг саналын томьёоллоор санал хураалт явуулахад, хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн 67.1 хувь нь дэмжив. Төслүүдийг хэлэлцүүлэгт бэлтгүүлэхээр Төрийн байгуулалтын байнгын хороонд шилжүүллээ.
Хуралдаан Засгийн газраас 2025 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 17-ны өдөр өргөн мэдүүлсэн Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар болон Бүгд Найрамдах Энэтхэг Улсын Экспорт-Импорт банк хоорондын Зээлийн хэлэлцээр соёрхон батлах тухай хуулийн төслийн хэлэлцүүлгээр үргэлжилсэн.
Улсын Их Хурлын 2025 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 17-ны өдрийн чуулганы үдээс хойших нэгдсэн хуралдаанаар хуулийн төслийн талаарх Байнгын хорооны санал, дүгнэлттэй танилцаж, гишүүд асуулт асууж, үг хэлсэн. Иймд эл хуралдаанаар Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар болон Бүгд Найрамдах Энэтхэг Улсын Экспорт-Импорт банк хоорондын Зээлийн хэлэлцээр соёрхон батлах тухай хуулийн төслийг батлах эсэх санал хураалтыг явуулахад, хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх буюу 76.1 хувь нь дэмжлээ.
Энэ үеэр Улсын Их Хурлын дарга Д.Амарбаясгалан хууль батлагдсантай холбогдуулан газрын тос боловсруулах үйлдвэр, бүтээн байгуулалттай холбоотойгоор Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүдийн хэлсэн саналд Засгийн газар хариуцлагатай хандаж, ойлголтоо нэгтгэх зорилгоор Байнгын хороо, ажлын хэсгийн гишүүдийг бодит нөхцөл байдалтай танилцуулах ажлыг зохион байгуулах чиглэл өгөв.
Дараа нь Засгийн газраас 2024 оны 12 дугаар сарын 20-ны өдөр өргөн мэдүүлсэн Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль, тогтоолын төслүүдийн эцсийн хэлэлцүүлгийг явуулсан.
Энэ талаарх Төрийн байгуулалтын байнгын хорооны танилцуулгыг Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн С.Зулпхар хийв. Тус Байнгын хороо хууль, тогтоолын төслүүдийн эцсийн хэлэлцүүлгийг явуулсныг дурдаад Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 42 дугаар зүйлийн 42.2.1-д заасны дагуу хуралдаан даргалагчаас өгсөн гүйцээн боловсруулах чиглэлийн дагуу зарчмын зөрүүтэй 2, мөн зүйлийн 42.2.3-т заасны дагуу Байнгын хорооны хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн гуравны хоёроос доошгүй нь дахин санал хураалгах шаардлагатай гэж үзсэн 4, нийт 6 санал гаргасныг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх дэмжсэн гэлээ.
Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 42 дугаар зүйлийн 42.5 дахь хэсгийг үндэслэн Хархорум хотын бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төслийн анхны хэлэлцүүлгээр санал хурааж шийдвэрлэсэн зарчмын зөрүүтэй саналтай холбогдуулан ““Орхоны хөндийд “Шинэ Хархорум” хот байгуулах тухай” тогтоолд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Хот байгуулах тухай” тогтоолд нэмэлт, өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын бүсчилсэн хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал батлах тухай” тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын 2024-2028 оны үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөр батлах тухай” тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын хөгжлийн 2025 оны төлөвлөгөө батлах тухай" тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай" Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслүүдийг боловсруулсныг С.Зулпхар гишүүн танилцуулгадаа онцолсон. Мөн нэгдсэн хуралдааны анхны хэлэлцүүлгээр олонхын дэмжлэг авсан саналуудыг хуулийн төсөлд нэмж тусган төслийн агуулга, зарчмыг алдагдуулахгүйгээр үг хэллэг, дэс дараалал, бүтцийн шинжтэй засварыг хийж, төслийг эцсийн хэлэлцүүлэгт бэлтгэсэн гэв.
Байнгын хорооны танилцуулгатай холбогдуулан Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Б.Баярбаатар, С.Эрдэнэбат, Д.Ганмаа, Д.Пүрэвдаваа, Л.Энхнасан, С.Бямбацогт, Б.Пунсалмаа нар асуулт асууж, үг хэлсэн. Тухайлбал, Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Б.Баярбаатар, Хархорум хотын бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төслийн хүрээнд хөрөнгө оруулалт татах эрх зүйн орчныг нээж өгөх нь зүйтэй гэсэн саналыг хэлээд хотын хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал, ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг Засгийн газар батлах боломжтой эсэхийг тодруулав. Хуулийн төслийг хэлэлцүүлэгт бэлтгэх үүрэг бүхий ажлын хэсгийн ахлагч, Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Г.Тэмүүлэн, “Хууль эрх зүйн хүрээнд улсын нийслэл тэр дундаа хотын үзэл баримтлал, ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг Улсын Их Хурал баталдаг жишигтэй. Энэ хүрээнд “Нийслэл Улаанбаатар хотын 2040 он хүртэлх хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслийг батлахаар оруулж ирээд байна. Түүхэн нийслэлийг сэргээн байгуулах, цаашдаа бодлогын зөв шийдэл гаргахын тул Улсын Их Хурал нь хотын үзэл баримтлал, төлөвлөгөөгөө баталдаг байх нь зүйтэй гэж ажлын хэсэг үзсэн” хэмээн хариуллаа.
Түүнчлэн Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн С.Эрдэнэбат, Шинэ хот байгуулах хүрээнд хөрөнгө оруулалт татах нь чухал. Гадаад, дотоодын аж ахуйн нэгжийн хөрөнгө оруулалт татах гол зүйл нь газар байтал үүнийг эзэмшүүлэхгүй гэснийг эргэн харах боломжтой эсэх, хотын хөгжлийн эдийн засгийн үндэс, үзэл баримтлалын талаар лавлав.
Хархорум хот Монгол Улсын түүхэн нийслэл байсан, цаашид ч хот байгуулсны хойно эрэмбэ дараатайгаар нийслэл хотын статустай болгох боломжтой. Энэ утгаар асуудалд хариуцлагатай хандаж, газар төлөвлөлт, зохион байгуулалттай холбоотой асуудлыг зөв хийх ёстой гэж ажлын хэсэг үзсэн. Иймд хотын газар төлөвлөлт, зохион байгуулалтын асуудлыг Улсын Их Хурлаар танилцуулж, хуульчлагдан батлагддаг байх зохицуулалтыг тусгах нь зүйтэй гэж үзсэн гэдгийг Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Г.Тэмүүлэн хариултдаа тодотгов. Мөн тэрбээр хотын эдийн засгийн үндэс суурь, үзэл баримтлалын хувьд түүхэн өв соёл, үнэт зүйлээ сэргээх, хадгалах асуудалд тулгуурлан олон төрөлт аялал жуулчлалыг дэмжинэ. Бүс нутгийн тэнцвэртэй хөгжлийг хангаж, бие даан хөгжих ёстой гэж үзсэн хэмээх нэмэлт тайлбарыг өглөө.
Үргэлжлүүлэн хууль тогтоолын төслүүдийн талаарх зарчмын зөрүүтэй зургаан саналын томьёолол бүрээр санал хураалт явуулсан. Тодруулбал, Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөлд тусгасан “Улсын Их Хурал хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөний үзэл баримтлал болон түүнд нийцүүлэн боловсруулсан хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг тус тус батална” гэсэн саналын талаар гишүүд дэмжсэн, дэмжээгүй байр сууриа илэрхийллээ. Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Н.Батсүмбэрэл, Улсын Их Хурал нь хотын хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал болон ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг баталдаг болбол цаашдаа бүх хотын ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг батлах хүндрэл үүснэ. Иймд Засгийн газар гүйцэтгэх засаглалынхаа хувьд асуудлаа шийдвэрлэх нь зүйтэй гэсэн байр суурийг илэрхийлэв. Харин Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн С.Замира, Ж.Бат-Эрдэнэ, С.Эрдэнэболд нарын гишүүд эсрэг саналтай байсан бөгөөд гишүүд Улаанбаатар хотын ерөнхий төлөвлөлт эвдэрсэн шалтгаан нь хэн нэгэн Засаг дарга, эсвэл архетикторууд дор бүрдээ шийдвэр гаргаж ирсэнтэй холбоотой тул үүнийг зогсоож, хууль гаргаж Улсын Их Хурлаар батлах арга хэмжээ авах шаардлагатай байгаа тул саналыг дэмжиж байна гэлээ. Ингээд Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 42 дугаар зүйлийн 42.2.1 дэх заалтыг үндэслэн гүйцээн боловсруулахаар өгсөн чиглэлийн дагуу төслийн 7 дугаар зүйлийн 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 дэх хэсгийг “Улсын Их Хурал хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөний үзэл баримтлал болон түүнд нийцүүлэн боловсруулсан хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг тус тус батална.”, “3асгийн газар хотод хэрэгжүүлэх дэд бүтцийн төслийн жагсаалтыг хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөнд нийцүүлэн батална”, “Хэсэгчилсэн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөг хотын хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөнд нийцүүлэн бүтээн байгуулалтын үе шат бүрээр, барилгажилтын төслийг хэсэгчилсэн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөнд нийцүүлэн боловсруулах бөгөөд хотын Зөвлөл тус тус батална.”, “Төсөл, хөтөлбөрийн техник, эдийн засгийн үндэслэлийг хэсэгчилсэн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөтэй уялдуулан боловсруулж, холбогдох төрийн захиргааны төв байгууллага батална." гэсэн 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 дахь хэсэг болгон өөрчлөн найруулах саналыг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх дэмжсэнгүй. Түүнчлэн төслийн 17 дугаар зүйлийн 17.1 дэх хэсгийг “Энэ хуулийн 17.1-д заасан чиг үүргийг гэрээний үндсэн дээр хувийн хэвшлээр гүйцэтгүүлэхтэй холбоотой харилцааг Төр, хувийн хэвшлийн түншлэлийн тухай хуулиар зохицуулна” гэж өөрчлөн найруулж, 17.2 дахь хэсэг болгохыг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх дэмжсэнгүй. Харин бусад зарчмын зөрүүтэй саналыг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх дэмжсэн юм.
Мөн “Хууль баталсантай холбогдуулан авах арга хэмээний тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслийн 2, 3 дахь заалтыг хасаж, 1 дэх заалтад “Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуультай нийцүүлэхээр Зөрчлийн тухай, Зөрчил шалган шийдвэрлэх тухай, Хөрөнгө оруулалтын тухай хууль болон холбогдох бусад хуульд өөрчлөлт оруулах хуулийн төслийг боловсруулан 2025 оны 03 дугаар сарын 15-ны өдрийн дотор Улсын Их Хуралд өргөн мэдүүлэх” гэсэн дэд заалт нэмэхийг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн 59.4 хувь нь дэмжлээ. Иймд хууль тогтоолын төслүүдийг эцэслэн батлах бэлтгэл хангуулахаар Төрийн байгуулалтын байнгын хороонд шилжүүлэв.
Хуралдаан Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөлтэй холбогдуулан боловсруулсан Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслүүдийн анхны хэлэлцүүлгээр үргэлжилсэн.
Энэ талаарх Төрийн байгуулалтын байгуулалтын байнгын хорооны санал, дүгнэлтийг Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн С.Зулпхар танилцуулав. Тэрбээр танилцуулгадаа, Монгол Улсын Засгийн газраас 2024 оны 12 дугаар сарын 20-ны өдөр Улсын Их Хуралд өргөн мэдүүлсэн Хархорум хотын бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль, тогтоолын төслүүдтэй холбогдуулан Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 42 дугаар зүйлийг баримтлан “"Орхоны хөндийд “Шинэ Хархорум хот баигуулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухаи”, ““Хот байгтуулах тухай Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд нэмэлт, өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай, ““Монгол Улсын бүсчилсэн хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал батлах тухай" Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын Засгиин газрын 2024-2028 оны үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөр батлах тухай" Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын хөгжлийн 2025 оны төлөвлөгөө батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслүүдийг Төрийн байгуулалтын байнгын хорооноос боловсруулан 2025 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 22-ны өдрийн хуралдаанаар хэлэлцсэн гэв.
Мөн Байнгын хорооны хуралдаанаар тогтоолын төслүүдийг хэлэлцэх үед төслийн талаар зарчмын зөрүүтэй санал гараагүй тул Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүн Г.Тэмүүлэн Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 39 дүгээр зүйлийн 39.24-т заасныг баримтлан тогтоолын төслүүдийг анхны хэлэлцүүлгээр нь батлуулах горимын санал гаргасныг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх дэмжсэн гэж байлаа.
Байнгын хорооны санал, дүгнэлттэй холбогдуулан асуулт асууж, үг хэлэх гишүүн байсангүй. Иймд Байнгын хорооны саналаар Хархорум хотын бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн хууль, тогтоолын төслүүдтэй холбогдуулан Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулиин 42 дугаар зүйлийг баримтлан ““Орхоны хөндийд “Шинэ Хархорум хот байгуулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Хот байгуулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд нэмэлт, өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын бүсчилсэн хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын 2024-2028 оны үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөр батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын хөгжлийн 2025 оны төлөвлөгөө батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын төслүүдийг анхны хэлэлцүүлгээр нь батлах горимын саналыг хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн 60.4 хувь нь дэмжсэн. Ингээд дээрх тогтоолын төслүүдийг эцэслэн батлах бэлтгэл хангуулахаар Төрийн байгуулалтын байнгын хороонд шилжүүлэв.
Дараа нь Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын чуулганы хуралдааны дэгийн тухай хуулийн 44 дүгээр зүйлийн 44.2-т “Нэгдсэн хуралдаанд хуулийн төслийг эцэслэн батлах санал хураалт явуулах бөгөөд Улсын Их Хурлын нийт гишүүний олонх дэмжсэн бол эцэслэн баталсанд тооцно” гэсний дагуу 10 хууль, тогтоолын төслийг батлах эсэх санал хураалтыг явуулсан.
Тодруулбал, Хархорум хотын төлөвлөлт, бүтээн байгуулалт, хөгжлийг дэмжих тухай хуулийн төсөл болон хамт өргөн мэдүүлсэн Хот, тосгоны эрх зүйн байдлын тухай хуулийг дагаж мөрдөх журмын тухай хуульд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай, Гаалийн тариф, гаалийн татварын тухай хуульд нэмэлт оруулах тухай хуулийн төсөл болон “Хууль баталсантай холбогдуулан авах арга хэмээний тухай”, ““Хархорум” хотын эдэлбэр газрын хил заагийг батлах тухай”, ““Орхоны хөндийд “Шинэ Хархорум хот байгуулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”,““Хот байгуулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолд нэмэлт, өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын бүсчилсэн хөгжлийн үзэл баримтлал батлах тухай" Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын 2024-2028 оны үйл ажиллагааны хөтөлбөр батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай”, ““Монгол Улсын хөгжлийн 2025 оны төлөвлөгөө батлах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоолын хавсралтад өөрчлөлт оруулах тухай” Улсын Их Хурлын тогтоол тус бүрээр эцэслэн батлах санал хураалт явуулахад, хуралдаанд оролцсон гишүүдийн олонх тус тус дэмжсэнээр чуулганы үдээс өмнөх нэгдсэн хуралдаан завсарлав хэмээн Улсын Их Хурлын Хэвлэл мэдээллийн газраас мэдээлэв.
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BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 20:14:00
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]kraken тор браузер[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Josephdib [] 2025-01-23 19:54:16
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BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 19:53:12
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]kraken сайт[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
Kevinwrory [] 2025-01-23 19:50:33
New Glenn’s first flight Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016. [url=https://kra26att.cc]kraken войти[/url] The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch. Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule. Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car. https://kra26att.cc kraken сайт Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company. The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple. “We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes. But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then. And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
SpencerSeank [] 2025-01-23 19:40:03
Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip [url=https://kra26s.cc]kraken tor[/url] Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government. Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement. He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN. https://kra26s.cc kraken тор браузер Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom. It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes. While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said. Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported. “This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.
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BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 19:01:18
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]Кракен тор[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 18:58:13
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]kraken[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
JuniorlyclE [] 2025-01-23 18:44:55
https://www.deviantart.com/countertopsofficial Hey everyone! If you’re planning a kitchen or bathroom remodel, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right countertop. The quality and craftsmanship of your countertops can completely transform your space. That’s why finding reliable countertop contractors is essential. But how do you know which ones are truly the best? The first step is to check for a national ranking. Top-tier countertop contractors often appear in reputable industry directories, which rank them based on customer reviews, experience, and the quality of their work. A reliable contractor will have a track record of providing high-quality materials and services, and they’ll offer a variety of options to suit your needs, from granite and quartz to marble and more. Now, the tricky part—where to find these top contractors? It can be overwhelming to sort through the numerous companies out there, but thankfully, there are directories available that list countertop contractors who have earned their place among the best in the industry. These directories make it easier to compare contractors based on ratings, reviews, and expertise. If you're looking for the best in the business, you’ll want to find a contractor with an excellent reputation, fair pricing, and a portfolio that showcases their work. In my blog, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of trusted countertop contractors that have received top rankings across various directories. Choosing the right contractor can make all the difference in the success of your project, and I’m here to guide you through it. If you want to learn more about how to find a reliable contractor and make your countertop dreams a reality, check out my latest blog post. It’s packed with tips that will help you make the best decision for your home!
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BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 18:32:58
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]kraken marketplace[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
Мөнгө төсөв байхгүй ш дээ. [] 2025-01-23 18:30:07
Монгол Улсын төсөв дийлэхгүй. Учир нь Улаанбаатарт метро, трамвай, шинэ цахилгаан станц, дүүжин тээвэрлэгч, Богд уулын түннель, Туулын дагуу хурдны 6-8 бүстэй зам барина. Алтан булаг- Замын үүд Төмөр замыг 2 урсгалтай болгоно, Монголыг урдаас хойшоо 5 засмал зам, зүүнээс баруунлуу 2 зам барина гэсэн. Бид ямар мөнгөөр энэ бүхнийг хийх юм бэ? Австралийн Канберра нийслэлийг хар л даа. Австрали шиг баян ба өвөл болдоггүй улс нийслэлээ 125 жил одоог хүртэл ингэж хөгжүүлж ЧАДАХГҮЙ байна ш дээ
BarryTop [] 2025-01-23 18:19:58
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration [url=https://krkns.cc]кракен даркнет[/url] Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee. “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.” The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol. Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career. In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood. The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005. While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies. Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer. Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Briansog [] 2025-01-23 18:02:00
New Glenn’s first flight Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016. [url=https://kra26att.cc]kraken darknet onion[/url] The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch. Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule. Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car. https://kra26att.cc кракен ссылка Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company. The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple. “We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes. But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then. And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
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PedroAlili [] 2025-01-23 18:00:59
Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip [url=https://kra26s.cc]kraken market[/url] Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government. Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement. He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN. https://kra26s.cc kraken даркнет Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom. It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes. While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said. Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported. “This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.
RichardTultY [] 2025-01-23 17:59:08
On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch [url=https://kra26s.cc]kraken войти[/url] On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight. The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry. New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week. https://kra26s.cc kra27 cc The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission. And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff. Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs. For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed. But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals. The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.
WilbertBes [] 2025-01-23 17:40:13
Understanding Convex Finance Convex Finance is an innovative platform designed to enhance yield farming in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. It allows users to maximize their rewards without the need for technical expertise. What is Convex Finance? Convex Finance is a DeFi platform that builds on top of , optimizing the way liquidity providers and stakers can earn rewards. By using Convex, users can increase the efficiency and profitability of their investments. [url=https://v2-convex.finance]convex finance[/url] Key Features of Convex Finance Enhanced Rewards: Users can earn boosted rewards on their staked assets by utilizing the Convex platform. Decentralized and Secure: Built on top of the existing Curve protocol, ensuring a high level of trust and security. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy for both new and experienced DeFi users to navigate. Why Choose Convex Finance? There are several compelling reasons to choose Convex Finance for your yield farming needs. Whether you're new to DeFi or an experienced investor, Convex offers unique benefits: Higher Yields: By pooling your resources, Convex helps maximize the potential returns on your investments. Gas Fee Efficiency: Transactions through Convex are optimized to reduce costs, making it a more efficient choice. Community-Driven: Convex evolves based on user feedback, ensuring that the platform continues to meet the needs of its community. Getting Started with Convex Finance Starting with Convex Finance is straightforward: Visit the . Connect your compatible crypto wallet. Select the pools you want to stake in and boost your earnings. For more detailed instructions, referring to the section will provide deeper insights and troubleshooting support. Conclusion Convex Finance revolutionizes the way users interact with DeFi, offering enhanced yields while maintaining a focus on security and simplicity. By leveraging the capabilities of Convex, investors can confidently optimize their yield farming strategies. Boost Your Earnings with Convex Finance Staking Are you looking to maximize your returns on cryptocurrency investments? Discover the potential of Convex Finance Staking today. This innovative platform offers you the opportunity to earn more by staking popular tokens like CRV, achieving enhanced yields while gaining additional benefits. What is Convex Finance? is a cutting-edge decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that optimizes returns for Curve Finance users. It allows liquidity providers and CRV stakers to earn trading fees, boosted CRV, and take part in Convex liquidity mining. Why Choose Convex Staking? Here's why Convex Finance should be your go-to platform for staking: Boosted Yields: Earn higher returns by leveraging your CRV tokens and engaging in liquidity mining. No Withdrawal Fees: Enjoy the flexibility to withdraw your funds without incurring additional costs. Rewards and Bonuses: Benefit from various incentives, including platform rewards and additional bonuses for loyal stakers. How to Start Staking on Convex Finance Follow these simple steps to start maximizing your crypto profits with Convex Finance: Connect Your Wallet: Use a compatible wallet like MetaMask to link your account to the platform. Stake Your CRV: Deposit your CRV tokens into Convex to start earning boosted rewards. Claim Your Rewards: Monitor your earnings and claim your rewards at your convenience. Explore More Benefits Aside from staking, Convex Finance offers a unique opportunity to participate in liquidity pools and yield farming initiatives. These options provide you with multiple avenues to enhance your total returns on investments. Start Staking Today Visit the official website to learn more about which pools and strategies offer the best returns. Take action today and secure your financial future with Convex Finance's powerful staking solutions. Understanding Convex Finance: Boost Your DeFi Earnings As decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to grow, Convex Finance emerges as a powerful tool for users looking to optimize their Curve Finance (CRV) earnings. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding how Convex Finance works can significantly enhance your income from DeFi investments. What is Convex Finance? Convex Finance is a platform that allows liquidity providers (LPs) and CRV stakers to earn higher returns without locking CRV. It achieves this by leveraging specific tokenomics to maximize yield earnings for users, while simplifying the staking process. How Convex Finance Works Here's a breakdown of how Convex Finance operates: Increased Yield: Convex offers LPs additional rewards on top of the incentives already provided by Curve Finance. This maximizes your DeFi returns. Platform Flexibility: Unlike traditional staking, Convex Finance enables users to stake either LP tokens or CRVs without enduring long lock-up periods. Reward Distribution: Participants earn not just from Curve rewards but also receive a share of fees distributed by the platform, further increasing potential earnings. Benefits of Using Convex Finance There are several reasons to consider using Convex Finance: Efficient Yield Optimization: Convex Finance combines yields from multiple sources, providing a streamlined way for users to maximize their earnings. Lower Commitment: Users can earn rewards without the need for long lock-up periods, maintaining greater liquidity and flexibility. Community Support: With an active community and ongoing development, Convex Finance regularly updates its platform features to ensure high performance and security. Getting Started with Convex Finance To begin using Convex, you'll need to connect a compatible crypto wallet and deposit your Curve LP tokens. Once connected, you can decide on the best strategy for your investment needs, benefiting from the enhanced yields available on this innovative DeFi platform. Overall, Convex Finance represents an evolving landscape in decentralized finance, offering a compelling option for maximizing CRV earnings with minimal staking constraints. Explore this platform to leverage its full potential and take advantage of the thriving DeFi ecosystem.
Vincentvex [] 2025-01-23 17:35:20
Welcome to DeFiLlama: The DeFi Data Powerhouse In the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance, staying informed is crucial. DeFiLlama stands out as a comprehensive platform offering in-depth analytics and insights into the DeFi ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to DeFi, DeFiLlama provides the tools and data you need to make informed decisions. [url=https://www-defliama.com]defillama app[/url] Why Choose DeFiLlama? DeFiLlama excels in delivering unbiased, reliable data that the crypto community can trust. Here’s why it’s a favorite among DeFi enthusiasts: Complete Transparency: DeFiLlama offers an open data approach, ensuring transparency and accuracy in all metrics provided. Extensive Coverage: With data on a wide array of DeFi protocols, it provides the most comprehensive DeFi analytics available. User-Friendly Interface: Navigate easily through DeFiLlama’s clear layout and access the data you need quickly. Regular Updates: Stay current with frequent updates, delivering the latest DeFi data. Explore Key Features Total Value Locked (TVL): One of the most important metrics in the DeFi space, TVL indicates the amount of assets locked in DeFi protocols. DeFiLlama tracks TVL across multiple chains, providing a comprehensive view of where value is being generated. Protocol Rankings: Discover which DeFi protocols are leading the pack. DeFiLlama’s rankings help you track the top-performing projects across various chains. Chain Analysis: Beyond individual protocols, DeFiLlama offers insights into how different blockchain networks compare in terms of ecosystem growth and performance. Community and Collaboration DeFiLlama believes in the power of community feedback and collaboration. They continuously improve their offerings based on community input, ensuring the platform meets the evolving needs of its users. Join the growing community of DeFi enthusiasts who trust DeFiLlama for their data needs. Start Your DeFi Journey Today Whether you’re new to DeFi or looking to deepen your understanding, DeFiLlama is your go-to resource for data that helps drive decisions. Dive into the world of decentralized finance with all the information you need at your fingertips. Visit today and explore the future of finance!
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WilbertBes [] 2025-01-23 17:28:04
Understanding Convex Finance Convex Finance is an innovative platform designed to enhance yield farming in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. It allows users to maximize their rewards without the need for technical expertise. What is Convex Finance? Convex Finance is a DeFi platform that builds on top of , optimizing the way liquidity providers and stakers can earn rewards. By using Convex, users can increase the efficiency and profitability of their investments. [url=https://v2-convex.finance]convex finance[/url] Key Features of Convex Finance Enhanced Rewards: Users can earn boosted rewards on their staked assets by utilizing the Convex platform. Decentralized and Secure: Built on top of the existing Curve protocol, ensuring a high level of trust and security. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy for both new and experienced DeFi users to navigate. Why Choose Convex Finance? There are several compelling reasons to choose Convex Finance for your yield farming needs. Whether you're new to DeFi or an experienced investor, Convex offers unique benefits: Higher Yields: By pooling your resources, Convex helps maximize the potential returns on your investments. Gas Fee Efficiency: Transactions through Convex are optimized to reduce costs, making it a more efficient choice. Community-Driven: Convex evolves based on user feedback, ensuring that the platform continues to meet the needs of its community. Getting Started with Convex Finance Starting with Convex Finance is straightforward: Visit the . Connect your compatible crypto wallet. Select the pools you want to stake in and boost your earnings. For more detailed instructions, referring to the section will provide deeper insights and troubleshooting support. Conclusion Convex Finance revolutionizes the way users interact with DeFi, offering enhanced yields while maintaining a focus on security and simplicity. By leveraging the capabilities of Convex, investors can confidently optimize their yield farming strategies. Boost Your Earnings with Convex Finance Staking Are you looking to maximize your returns on cryptocurrency investments? Discover the potential of Convex Finance Staking today. This innovative platform offers you the opportunity to earn more by staking popular tokens like CRV, achieving enhanced yields while gaining additional benefits. What is Convex Finance? is a cutting-edge decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that optimizes returns for Curve Finance users. It allows liquidity providers and CRV stakers to earn trading fees, boosted CRV, and take part in Convex liquidity mining. Why Choose Convex Staking? Here's why Convex Finance should be your go-to platform for staking: Boosted Yields: Earn higher returns by leveraging your CRV tokens and engaging in liquidity mining. No Withdrawal Fees: Enjoy the flexibility to withdraw your funds without incurring additional costs. Rewards and Bonuses: Benefit from various incentives, including platform rewards and additional bonuses for loyal stakers. How to Start Staking on Convex Finance Follow these simple steps to start maximizing your crypto profits with Convex Finance: Connect Your Wallet: Use a compatible wallet like MetaMask to link your account to the platform. Stake Your CRV: Deposit your CRV tokens into Convex to start earning boosted rewards. Claim Your Rewards: Monitor your earnings and claim your rewards at your convenience. Explore More Benefits Aside from staking, Convex Finance offers a unique opportunity to participate in liquidity pools and yield farming initiatives. These options provide you with multiple avenues to enhance your total returns on investments. Start Staking Today Visit the official website to learn more about which pools and strategies offer the best returns. Take action today and secure your financial future with Convex Finance's powerful staking solutions. Understanding Convex Finance: Boost Your DeFi Earnings As decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to grow, Convex Finance emerges as a powerful tool for users looking to optimize their Curve Finance (CRV) earnings. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding how Convex Finance works can significantly enhance your income from DeFi investments. What is Convex Finance? Convex Finance is a platform that allows liquidity providers (LPs) and CRV stakers to earn higher returns without locking CRV. It achieves this by leveraging specific tokenomics to maximize yield earnings for users, while simplifying the staking process. How Convex Finance Works Here's a breakdown of how Convex Finance operates: Increased Yield: Convex offers LPs additional rewards on top of the incentives already provided by Curve Finance. This maximizes your DeFi returns. Platform Flexibility: Unlike traditional staking, Convex Finance enables users to stake either LP tokens or CRVs without enduring long lock-up periods. Reward Distribution: Participants earn not just from Curve rewards but also receive a share of fees distributed by the platform, further increasing potential earnings. Benefits of Using Convex Finance There are several reasons to consider using Convex Finance: Efficient Yield Optimization: Convex Finance combines yields from multiple sources, providing a streamlined way for users to maximize their earnings. Lower Commitment: Users can earn rewards without the need for long lock-up periods, maintaining greater liquidity and flexibility. Community Support: With an active community and ongoing development, Convex Finance regularly updates its platform features to ensure high performance and security. Getting Started with Convex Finance To begin using Convex, you'll need to connect a compatible crypto wallet and deposit your Curve LP tokens. Once connected, you can decide on the best strategy for your investment needs, benefiting from the enhanced yields available on this innovative DeFi platform. Overall, Convex Finance represents an evolving landscape in decentralized finance, offering a compelling option for maximizing CRV earnings with minimal staking constraints. Explore this platform to leverage its full potential and take advantage of the thriving DeFi ecosystem.
BAT [] 2025-01-23 17:18:30
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ThomasAbats [] 2025-01-23 15:44:58
What is Curve Finance? Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange platform designed to facilitate low-cost, low-slippage trades of stablecoins and other assets. Built on the Ethereum network, Curve.fi optimizes trading and liquidity provision, making it a popular choice among decentralized finance (DeFi) users. [url=https://web-curvie.fi]curve finance[/url] How Does Curve Finance Work? Curve Finance employs an automated market maker (AMM) model, which eliminates the need for traditional order books. Instead, it uses liquidity pools to match trades and provide liquidity. This system is particularly effective for stablecoin exchanges, where price fluctuations are minimal. Key Features of Curve Finance Low Slippage: By focusing on stablecoins, Curve minimizes price volatility during trades. Efficient Trading: Curve's AMM model enables quick and efficient transactions. Liquidity Incentives: Users providing liquidity earn rewards in the form of trading fees and CRV tokens. Benefits of Using Curve Finance Curve Finance offers numerous benefits for users looking to optimize their cryptocurrency trading experience: Competitive Rates: By reducing slippage and transaction fees, Curve provides a cost-effective solution for stablecoin trades. Decentralized Control: Users benefit from the security and autonomy of a decentralized network. Yield Farming Opportunities: Beyond trading, users can engage in yield farming, earning additional income by supplying liquidity. How to Get Started with Curve Finance To begin using Curve, you need an Ethereum wallet, such as MetaMask, and some ETH to cover gas fees. Here's a quick guide to get you started: Connect your Ethereum wallet to Curve.fi. Select a trading pair from the available liquidity pools. Enter the amount you wish to trade or provide as liquidity. Confirm the transaction and pay the necessary gas fees. By following these simple steps, you can start taking advantage of the low-cost, low-slippage trades that Curve Finance offers. Conclusion Curve Finance is a robust platform for anyone looking to engage in efficient cryptocurrency trading. With its focus on stablecoins and low slippage, Curve.fi provides users with an optimized trading experience backed by the security of decentralized finance. Whether you're a trader or a liquidity provider, Curve Finance offers tools and incentives to enhance your DeFi journey.
Michaelthuby [] 2025-01-23 15:22:03
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Winstonposte [] 2025-01-23 15:20:56
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JuniorlyclE [] 2025-01-23 15:18:45
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/countertopscontractors Hey everyone! If you’re planning a kitchen or bathroom remodel, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right countertop. The quality and craftsmanship of your countertops can completely transform your space. That’s why finding reliable countertop contractors is essential. But how do you know which ones are truly the best? The first step is to check for a national ranking. Top-tier countertop contractors often appear in reputable industry directories, which rank them based on customer reviews, experience, and the quality of their work. A reliable contractor will have a track record of providing high-quality materials and services, and they’ll offer a variety of options to suit your needs, from granite and quartz to marble and more. Now, the tricky part—where to find these top contractors? It can be overwhelming to sort through the numerous companies out there, but thankfully, there are directories available that list countertop contractors who have earned their place among the best in the industry. These directories make it easier to compare contractors based on ratings, reviews, and expertise. If you're looking for the best in the business, you’ll want to find a contractor with an excellent reputation, fair pricing, and a portfolio that showcases their work. In my blog, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of trusted countertop contractors that have received top rankings across various directories. Choosing the right contractor can make all the difference in the success of your project, and I’m here to guide you through it. If you want to learn more about how to find a reliable contractor and make your countertop dreams a reality, check out my latest blog post. It’s packed with tips that will help you make the best decision for your home!
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Edwardduaks [] 2025-01-23 14:24:18
New Glenn’s first flight Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016. [url=https://kra26att.cc]kraken market[/url] The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch. Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule. Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car. https://kra26att.cc kraken market Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company. The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple. “We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes. But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then. And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
Timothyhoupe [] 2025-01-23 14:23:55
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