ФОТО: Трампын тангараг өргөх ёслолын гэрэл зургууд

Aдмин / Гадаад мэдээ

Дональд Трамп тангараг өргөхдөө хэлсэн үгэндээ хууль бус цагаачлалын эсрэг хатуу тэмцлийг нэн тэргүүнд тавихаа мэдэгдсэн. Тэрбээр өөрийгөө бурханаас сонгогдсон үндэсний аврагч хэмээн нэрлэж, Америк орныг олон жилийн уналт, доройтлоос аврахаа амлав.

Inauguration day of Donald Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration day of Donald Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

U.S. President Donald Trump at the Oval Office in Washington

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration day of Donald Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential termInauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Inauguration ceremony for Trump's second presidential term

Эх сурвалж: REUTERS


Зочин [] 2025-01-21 18:03:40

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Зочин [] 2025-01-21 16:28:56

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Зочин [] 2025-01-21 16:28:00


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Уншигчдын бичсэн сэтгэгдэлд Medee.MN хариуцлага хүлээхгүй болно. Манай сайт ХХЗХ-ны журмын дагуу зүй зохисгүй зарим үг, хэллэгийг хязгаарласан тул Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ бусдын эрх ашгийг хүндэтгэн үзнэ үү.